“This Tuesday at the Children First book launch event held at Mencendorf House hosted by and Biedrība “Asociācija Ģimene” featured book readings, stories about the importance of fathers and mothers in every child’s life and calls for purposeful perseverance in the fight for children’s rights. The special live event was visited by the author of the book Katy Faust telling about the content of the book and the situation in the US and answering questions. Thanks to the initiator and director of the book translation, Alina Ozolina and her family for the enormous work that has been done during the year! Thank you to everyone who touched the path of this book to readers!”
(Translated from the original post on Them Before Us – Latviski)
A year ago a group of motivated parents started a fundraiser to translate our book into Latvian. They saw the threats to children and marriage seeping into their small country and decided they needed to stand against it. One year later, after hundreds of hours poured into translation, design and promotion, they held a book launch in a 17th century museum which celebrates the gift of life.
Members of our translation team, family policy experts, and religious leaders joyfully gathered to celebrate the completion of this critical project, which will be used to transform both hearts and laws in this country of beautiful beaches, abundant rivers, and free-flowing beer. Them Before Us founder, Katy Faust, had the honor of joining by zoom to thank our team on the ground, and commend the audience to use the stories and studies within to fight on behalf of Latvia’s most vulnerable.