IVF Modernizes Ancient Eugenic Practices Of ‘Selective Breeding’

(Originally published in The Society of St. Sebastian and The Federalist) (Image Source) The Alabama Supreme Court’s recent and right decision to deem embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) as people sparked concern from fertility facilities regarding...

Revisiting the Primal Wound

Whether one calls it a “Primal Wound” or simply trauma, maternal separation and loss are no small matter and must never be dismissed or downplayed. When we choose to put Them (children) before Us (the adults) we recognize that children are harmed when adults refuse to do hard things.

Surrogacy Makes More Babies. Pro-Lifers Should Still Oppose It.

(Originally published in Christianity Today) On April 8, the Vatican issued Dignitas Infinita, a 20-page document rejecting a variety of practices that violate human dignity. Unsurprisingly, these included human trafficking, violence against women, abortion,...
Revisiting the Primal Wound

Revisiting the Primal Wound

Whether one calls it a “Primal Wound” or simply trauma, maternal separation and loss are no small matter and must never be dismissed or downplayed. When we choose to put Them (children) before Us (the adults) we recognize that children are harmed when adults refuse to do hard things.

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Testifying against Minnesota HF 3567

Testifying against Minnesota HF 3567

Dear Chair Becker-Finn and Members, My name is Katy Faust, I am the founder and President of Them Before Us—a nonprofit committed to defending children’s rights to their mothers and fathers. I am writing in opposition HF 3567 because of the significant and lasting...

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Them Before Us is made up of ordinary adults who are committed to putting the needs of children at the forefront of the battle surrounding the very foundation of our society - marriage and family.  Are you an ordinary person too? Does your simple blood boil when children are expected to conform to the lifestyle of adults because you understand, maybe firsthand, how hard that is on kids? And are you tired of culture framing adults as victims when we all know that kids are the ones who have to pay the price? If so, we are your people.

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