It’s been a busy year for our global children’s rights movement. Here’s a few highlights!

Book Published: By far, our biggest accomplishment in 2021 was publishing Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement, by Katy Faust and Stacy Manning, and the audio book was also released. Various outlets raved about this manual for our global movement including WORLD magazine, Focus on the Family the Australian Christian Lobby, The Stream, The Federalist, the Association for Reformed Political Action, the Paul Scott Pruett blog, The Gospel Coalition, and the New Books Network.

Book Translation/Discussions: Publishers in South Korea have purchased the rights, and ongoing conversations are taking place to translate the book into German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Impacts Around the World: The message of children’s rights has been changing hearts and minds around the globe. Them Before Us appeared on podcasts in Brazil and the Philippines, and interviewed with outlets in SwitzerlandScotland, and the United Kingdom. Founder Katy Faust spoke at a virtual conferences in Trinidad & Tobago and Lithuania, and spent a week in the Czech Republic. Them Before Us provided additional support and resources for contacts in Singapore, Australia, South Korea, and Albania. And, our website is now available in Polish!

Media Appearances: We’ve been honored to appear on several large platforms this year. Here’s a sampling:

Outside Publications: We had several articles published this year by outside organizations, including The Federalist, LifeSite News, and The Society of St. Sebastian:

Speaking Engagements: Katy shared the vision and mission of Them Before Us at various events this year. She received the Book of the Year Award from The Ruth Institute, spoke at the Path of Life Conference, The Future of Europe, the Family, and Natural Human Rights, How to Defend the Family at Hillsdale College, the Pray Vote Stand Conference, a Chicago Pro-Life Conference, Family Heritage Alliance events in South Dakota and the ACSI conference in DC.

2021 was a big year and YOU helped make it possible. But we’re not stopping there. Check out our 2022 plans and join the global movement!