by Katy Faust | Oct 29, 2020 | Foundations, The Latest
I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in 2016, but this year, only an act of God could stop me from doing so. I make no excuses for Trump’s loose Twitter finger, and I still wince over the laundry list of cringe-worthy statements and undisciplined behavior we’ve all...
by Them Before Us | Jul 21, 2020 | The Latest
(Originally published at The Federalist) The Massachusetts town of Somerville has become the first in the nation to legalize polyamorous relationships. It’s evidence of the slippery slope social conservatives warned would follow legalizing gay marriage. Polygamy was...
by Them Before Us | Feb 22, 2020 | The Latest
(Originally published at The Federalist) “I just came out openly to friends.” “Love is love” and we deserve “equal protection under the law.” We are “not harming anybody.” “The world would be a better place if everybody was more open.” “I am proud of who I am” but I...
by Katy Faust | Nov 8, 2019 | The Latest |
(Originally published at The Federalist) In a recent interview, newly ex-mega-church pastor Joshua Harris and author of the 1990s best-seller “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” remarked that the support President Trump has received from the evangelical community has been...
by Katy Faust | Oct 14, 2019 | The Latest
The future of artificial wombs got a bump this week as one Dutch researcher received nearly $3M to develop a prototype aimed at helping babies born premature. Do I want preemies to have a better shot at life because of this technology? Yes I do. But let’s be real. The...