(Originally published in WORLD magazine) My daughter was married last month. Mothers fast-forward to this day when we find out we’re pregnant, on the day we give birth, when she plays dress up in our wedding gown, when shopping for prom, and, of course, when we see...
How the GOP Can Become the Pro-Child Party
(Originally published in Newsweek) Glenn Youngkin's 2021 upset win in the Virginia governor's race introduced a new voting bloc: parents. Since then, threats to parental rights have only increased, with blue states like California declaring themselves "sanctuary...
Government shouldn’t subsidize intentional motherlessness and fatherlessness
(Originally published in the Washington Examiner) It’s been seven years since the Supreme Court made gay marriage the law of the land. Those of us who raised objections to this decision and argued that redefining marriage would redefine family and encourage...
To Truly Reduce Racial Disparities, We Must Acknowledge Black Fathers Matter
(Originally published at The Federalist) Americans must confront the injustice of George Floyd’s death and examine issues of police use of force. We should review sentencing guidelines and revisit qualified immunity. We must never dismiss the generational effects of...
Left Claims Women Are Essential To Business But Optional To Families
(Originally published in The Federalist) Washington state Democrats continue to run the table with their majority. They opened the new year with several egregious legislative initiatives, from decriminalizing underage prostitution to pushing the comprehensive sexual...
You care about children at the border? Then you should care about the rights of all children.
"It’s horrendous: The heartache of a migrant boy taken from his father.” “It’s inhumane: Hollywood protests separation of children from their parents.” “Newborn separated from mother while she was breastfeeding.” “Hundreds of immigrant children have been taken from...
The White Paper- Who We Are and Why We Exist
We Can Mend Our Society by Defending Children's Rights. It's that simple. No one- neither liberals concerned with social justice, nor conservatives who want small government, nor children who are made for their mother and father's love- gets what they want until we...
Gender Matters in Writing… And Parenting.
Supporters of gay marriage have aggressively promoted the idea that “all kids need is love.” They argue that children do not specifically need the love of their father or the love of their mother, just generic “love.” For that to be the case, there must be no...
The Father Effect- Daughters of Divorce Serve as a Test Case
Dads do something for kids that moms can't. They influence their child's behavior in ways that moms don't. And their involvement effects boys and girls in sex-specific ways. We know this because when dad is absent, boys and girls face distinct risks. While boys who...
Father’s Day for a Lesbian’s Daughter
Another Father's Day. Another phone call I didn't make. I was raised by my lesbian mother who divorced my father when I was one year old. My mother told my father to go away and never come back. And that's exactly what he did. It should come as no surprise that this...