Revisiting the Primal Wound

Whether one calls it a “Primal Wound” or simply trauma, maternal separation and loss are no small matter and must never be dismissed or downplayed. When we choose to put Them (children) before Us (the adults) we recognize that children are harmed when adults refuse to do hard things.

New European study claims that children with two dads are doing better than those with heterosexual parents

In a European study of child outcomes, researchers evaluated the children born to gay couples through surrogacy and compared them to those born to heterosexual couples. The study participants included 67 gay couples who became parents via gestational surrogacy and 67...

My Daddy’s Name is Donor – Study

We wanted to preserve this study on "young adults conceived by sperm donation" so that those who follow Them Before Us and the ethical questions of third-party reproduction can have this valuable resource on hand! Click here for the full study. "In the U.S., an...
Revisiting the Primal Wound

Revisiting the Primal Wound

Whether one calls it a “Primal Wound” or simply trauma, maternal separation and loss are no small matter and must never be dismissed or downplayed. When we choose to put Them (children) before Us (the adults) we recognize that children are harmed when adults refuse to do hard things.

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My Daddy’s Name is Donor – Study

My Daddy’s Name is Donor – Study

We wanted to preserve this study on "young adults conceived by sperm donation" so that those who follow Them Before Us and the ethical questions of third-party reproduction can have this valuable resource on hand! Click here for the full study. "In the U.S., an...

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Dr. Paul Sullins refutes common same-sex parenting studies

Dr. Paul Sullins refutes common same-sex parenting studies

There have been several studies done in an attempt to show “no difference” in child outcomes between same-sex and opposite-sex parenting. Studies commonly cited in support of same-sex parenting are Reczek’s, “Family Structure and Child Health; Does the Sex Composition...

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Fight the Digital Divide: Promote Marriage

Fight the Digital Divide: Promote Marriage

Earlier this year, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) sponsored the Digital Equality Act of 2019 in an effort to close the "digital divide" by extending wifi access to more communities. Tech companies such as Facebook and Verizon, Apple (in this article, donating 9,000...

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Them Before Us Founder Testifies Against Uniform Parentage Act

Them Before Us Founder Testifies Against Uniform Parentage Act

Members of the law and justice committee,* Thank you for the opportunity to be here. My name is Katy Faust and I’m the founder of the children’s rights organization Them Before Us. I am the former Assistant Director of Chinese Children Adoption International, the...

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I’m gay. And like most Italians, I oppose surrogacy.

I’m gay. And like most Italians, I oppose surrogacy.

My name is Vincenzo. I am Italian and I’m gay. Normally I don't feel this need to label myself because I think sexuality is simply a detail. On this planet we are men and women- people- that's all. But on the topic of surrogacy it's important to specify my sexuality...

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Them Before Us is made up of ordinary adults who are committed to putting the needs of children at the forefront of the battle surrounding the very foundation of our society - marriage and family.  Are you an ordinary person too? Does your simple blood boil when children are expected to conform to the lifestyle of adults because you understand, maybe firsthand, how hard that is on kids? And are you tired of culture framing adults as victims when we all know that kids are the ones who have to pay the price? If so, we are your people.

Join us. Stand strong. Speak up. Lose friends. All the cool kids are doing it.

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