2019 was a huge year for Them Before Us. Here’s a just a taste of what we accomplished:

The truth is, our nearly all volunteer non-profit has done more than many orgs with salaried, full-time staff. We have big plans for next year, as you can see from our 2020 projects. Would you help us raise $10K on December 3 to make 2020 the year of children’s rights? 

Here’s a few things that makes Them Before Us so powerful:

  • We are not like most pro-family organizations.  Them Before Us is distinctively non-institutional.  That means we are flexible and able to respond quickly and creatively to threats to the rights of children. 
  • Our coalition spans religious beliefs and includes gay and straight advocates for children.  So we’re not just reaching Mormons or Methodists or Muslims, conservatives or liberals. Our message resonates with everyone.  
  • We don’t just focus on one issue- like surrogacy or adoption or marriage or divorce.  Defending children’s rights means we have the best answers to any question on marriage, family, and parenthood. 
  • We have the stories that don’t exist anywhere else, stories that give credibility and power to pro-family policies. That’s why so many platforms want our help and input.
  • We unapologetically defend the rights of children, no matter which adults may take offense.

Please, consider giving generously on Tuesday December 3 to help us raise $10,000 toward our three 2020 projectsGrassroots Engagement, Leader Training, and Legislative Impact.

Of course, if you want to give today we won’t turn you down. You can give right here on our website OR via our donor-advise fund where you can transfer money from your National Christian Foundation account, or direct deposit from your bank.

Thanks for helping us make 2020 the year of Children’s Rights!