Them Before Us – 2021 Accomplishments

Them Before Us – 2021 Accomplishments

It’s been a busy year for our global children’s rights movement. Here’s a few highlights! Book Published: By far, our biggest accomplishment in 2021 was publishing Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement, by Katy Faust and...
2020 Round Up!

2020 Round Up!

It’s been a tough year for everyone. But despite the pandemic, the distancing, and the economic challenges, children’s rights have marched on. Here’s a round-up of what Them Before Us has accomplished in 2020, thanks to your support. We wrote a...
Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday!

2019 was a huge year for Them Before Us. Here’s a just a taste of what we accomplished: Presented at Trinity Law School Human Rights Conference Collaborated with the Colson Center on their new educational platform Changed the hearts of the Czech people with this...
Factory-ordered babies? Not on our watch.

Factory-ordered babies? Not on our watch.

The future of artificial wombs got a bump this week as one Dutch researcher received nearly $3M to develop a prototype aimed at helping babies born premature. Do I want preemies to have a better shot at life because of this technology? Yes I do. But let’s be real. The...