It’s been a tough year for everyone. But despite the pandemic, the distancing, and the economic challenges, children’s rights have marched on. Here’s a round-up of what Them Before Us has accomplished in 2020, thanks to your support.

We wrote a book! 

Them Before Us- Why we need a global children’s rights movement is the all-inclusive manual for our mission. It examines every family issue- marriage, divorce, polygamy, cohabitation, LGBT parenting, donor-conception, surrogacy, and adoption- from the perspective of the child. Using dense research and real-life stories, this book makes the irrefutable case for a child’s right to their mother and father. Pre-order the book here if you’re in the US and here if you’re in Australia.

We got the word out:

We spoke with leaders across the globe:

We fought for justice

Them Before Us doesn’t have a fancy office or pay for ad campaigns, that means your donations directly support THE WORK of defending children. We are so grateful that You are one of Us!