Testifying against Michigan’s “Family Protection Act”

The deceptively named “Michigan Family Protection Act”—a package of bills legalizing commercial surrogacy and allowing intent-based parenting—passed the Michigan legislature this week and is making its way to Governor Whitmer’s desk. Here is what Them Before Us...

Testifying against Minnesota HF 3567

Dear Chair Becker-Finn and Members, My name is Katy Faust, I am the founder and President of Them Before Us—a nonprofit committed to defending children’s rights to their mothers and fathers. I am writing in opposition HF 3567 because of the significant and lasting...

Children’s rights win in the Czech Republic!

We recently provided emergency support to the Czech Republic. Members of Parliament were fighting to legalize same-sex marriage and were flooded with activists talking about how same-sex marriage would benefit children. We sent them the actual story of a woman who was...
Virginia’s HB1979 Harms Children

Virginia’s HB1979 Harms Children

February 8, 2019 Re: HB1979 on Assisted Conception; Amends Statute to Provide Gender-Neutral Terminology, etc. Honorable Senators, My name is Katy Faust and I am the founder of the children’s rights organization, Them Before Us. We represent the party that you haven’t...

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Opposition to New York’s Senate Bill Legalizing Surrogacy

Opposition to New York’s Senate Bill Legalizing Surrogacy

Dear New York Senator/Assemblyman, Them Before Us exists to defend a child’s fundamental right to their mother and father. This right grants children not only the two people who are statistically the most likely to be connected to, protective of, and invested in them...

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Them Before Us Founder Testifies Against Uniform Parentage Act

Them Before Us Founder Testifies Against Uniform Parentage Act

Members of the law and justice committee,* Thank you for the opportunity to be here. My name is Katy Faust and I’m the founder of the children’s rights organization Them Before Us. I am the former Assistant Director of Chinese Children Adoption International, the...

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Breeding puppies: Bad.  Breeding babies: Good.

Breeding puppies: Bad. Breeding babies: Good.

California will become the first state to ban pet stores from selling animals from commercial breeders.  Governor Jerry Brown signed the law that animal rights advocates hope will limit the "needless suffering" of animals for sale in the state. The bill was passed on...

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Why ‘Swipe Right to Build-a-Baby’ Is So Wrong

Why ‘Swipe Right to Build-a-Baby’ Is So Wrong

Recently, the hosts of The View discussed a new phone app called Just a Baby which "helps you find a surrogate, partner, co-parent, sperm, or egg donor – or find someone that needs your help to have a baby.” Their reactions ranged from “this makes me crazy”...

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Divorce Selfies Are a Thing- children not pictured.

Divorce Selfies Are a Thing- children not pictured.

The latest selfie trend?  That would be #DivorceSelfie.  "People are taking to Instagram to document their divorces just as they would their engagements or weddings, using the hashtag #divorceselfie. Because who doesn't love a good divorce at the end of a terrible...

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Them Before Us is made up of ordinary adults who are committed to putting the needs of children at the forefront of the battle surrounding the very foundation of our society - marriage and family.  Are you an ordinary person too? Does your simple blood boil when children are expected to conform to the lifestyle of adults because you understand, maybe firsthand, how hard that is on kids? And are you tired of culture framing adults as victims when we all know that kids are the ones who have to pay the price? If so, we are your people.

Join us. Stand strong. Speak up. Lose friends. All the cool kids are doing it.

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