Patience Griswold

Articles by Patience Griswold
Revisiting the Primal Wound

Revisiting the Primal Wound

Whether one calls it a “Primal Wound” or simply trauma, maternal separation and loss are no small matter and must never be dismissed or downplayed. When we choose to put Them (children) before Us (the adults) we recognize that children are harmed when adults refuse to do hard things.

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Win for Children’s Rights: Them Before Us Combated Bill in Minnesota Subsidizing Donor Conception

Win for Children’s Rights: Them Before Us Combated Bill in Minnesota Subsidizing Donor Conception

Them Before Us joined with allies in Minnesota to combat a bill that would have required insurance companies to subsidize the fertility industry and intentionally deny children a relationship with one or both of their biological parents. At the end of Minnesota’s legislative session the language was removed from the final version of the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill in conference committee.

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