by Them Before Us | Mar 29, 2024 | Stories
My name is Johanna, I am now 42 years old. I am an adoptee from Sweden (now living in Denmark). I grew up in a middle-class home in a house with my adoptive parents (husband and wife) and with a little sister who is a biological child to our parents. When I got...
by Them Before Us | Oct 17, 2023 | Stories
I was a donor-conceived (IVF) child and a twin born in 1995. My mother desperately wanted to have children but with no prospect of a traditional family. She lived in central California in the 90’s and was near a larger IVF facility. She proceeded to try multiple...
by Katie Breckenridge | Jan 12, 2023 | The Latest
(Originally published in The Federalist) Rachel and Philip Ridgeway sought to make the best of a situation formed through brokenness by adopting embryos who had been frozen for almost 30 years. Their love resulted in breaking a world record late last year when the...
by Katie Breckenridge | Dec 29, 2021 | The Latest
(Image Source: Doyle Dane Bernbach) In 2019, New Zealand opened the world’s first “HIV Positive” sperm bank in an attempt to reduce the stigma around HIV positive men. Two years later, a handful of babies have been created from HIV positive sperm donors. The sperm...
by Them Before Us | Jul 19, 2021 | Stories |
(Originally published on Tangled Webs UK) Discovering, aged 32, that I was donor conceived was, to put it mildly, a bombshell. It made complete sense, explaining the lack of similarity to my social father, not to mention the tensions between us. It explained why I...