Elisa’s story | “The divorce still affects me today in every area of my life.”

My mom was 17 and my dad was 23 when they got married. They had 4 children together. We bounced around from home to home until I was about 9 years old. That’s when my dad got a stable job and was then able to afford our own place. Most of the time it is difficult for...

Randall Christopher’s story | “…my insecurity in image and identity only increased the more I visited his world on the weekends.”

I am the only child of my biological parents, who divorced just after I turned four. I don’t know all the circumstances, but I’m pretty sure my father was messing around with other women. The divorce devastated my mother. I have no memories of my biological father or...

I resent my gay parents

(Originally published on Reddit) I just want to start this with saying I love my dads so much, they’ve always been good to me and I’m really close with both of them. But I also can’t help this feeling of resentment I’ve felt for so long and I’m not sure it’s anything...
I resent my gay parents

I resent my gay parents

(Originally published on Reddit) I just want to start this with saying I love my dads so much, they’ve always been good to me and I’m really close with both of them. But I also can’t help this feeling of resentment I’ve felt for so long and I’m not sure it’s anything...

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Them Before Us is made up of ordinary adults who are committed to putting the needs of children at the forefront of the battle surrounding the very foundation of our society - marriage and family.  Are you an ordinary person too? Does your simple blood boil when children are expected to conform to the lifestyle of adults because you understand, maybe firsthand, how hard that is on kids? And are you tired of culture framing adults as victims when we all know that kids are the ones who have to pay the price? If so, we are your people.

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