TBU Supports Texas’ Age-Verification Law in Battle at U.S. Supreme Court
Tomorrow the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on whether pornography websites should be required to verify users’ ages in order to protect children from this harmful content. Under the Texas law, if “adult entertainment” makes up more than 30% of a...
Testifying against Minnesota HF 3567
Dear Chair Becker-Finn and Members, My name is Katy Faust, I am the founder and President of Them Before Us—a nonprofit committed to defending children’s rights to their mothers and fathers. I am writing in opposition HF 3567 because of the significant and lasting...
In Support of Oklahoma’s Senate Bill 1958 Opposing No-Fault Divorce
Dear Committee members, Them Before Us defends children's rights in the family. We are writing in support of SB 1958 because of the significant and lasting harm that no-fault divorce inflicts on Oklahoma’s children. “Divorce” is another term for the death of a family....
Them Before Us statement on the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling on the Personhood of Frozen Embryos.
We applaud the Alabama Supreme Court‘s pro-child decision which recognizes and protects life in all circumstances, inside or outside of the womb. This decision is an important step forward in holding the fertility industry accountable, including their processed which...
Win for Children’s Rights: Them Before Us Combated Bill in Minnesota Subsidizing Donor Conception
Them Before Us joined with allies in Minnesota to combat a bill that would have required insurance companies to subsidize the fertility industry and intentionally deny children a relationship with one or both of their biological parents. At the end of Minnesota’s legislative session the language was removed from the final version of the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill in conference committee.
Testifying against Michigan’s “Family Protection Act”
The deceptively named “Michigan Family Protection Act”—a package of bills legalizing commercial surrogacy and allowing intent-based parenting—passed the Michigan legislature this week and is making its way to Governor Whitmer’s desk. Here is what Them Before Us...
Children’s rights win in the Czech Republic!
We recently provided emergency support to the Czech Republic. Members of Parliament were fighting to legalize same-sex marriage and were flooded with activists talking about how same-sex marriage would benefit children. We sent them the actual story of a woman who was...
Raised by Two Men: Here’s My Story
Samantha, a fellow advocate with Them Before Us, created a video to share with lawmakers in the Czech Republic debating the legality of same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting. She noted that while she was well loved by her two gay dads, she hungered for a mother....
Opposition to Michigan Surrogacy HBs 5207–5215
Dear Chair Breen and members, Them Before Us is a nonprofit committed to defending children’s rights to their mothers and fathers. We are writing in opposition to HBs 5207–5215 because of the significant and lasting harm that they pose to Michigan’s most vulnerable...
Letter to Ukrainian Minister Inna Sovsun
Dear MP Sovsun, My name is Katy Faust and I am the President of Them Before Us. We represent the children who will be harmed if you approve the draft law on civil partnerships for same-sex couples. In the past year, thousands of Ukrainian children have lost their...
Them Before Us is made up of ordinary adults who are committed to putting the needs of children at the forefront of the battle surrounding the very foundation of our society - marriage and family. Are you an ordinary person too? Does your simple blood boil when children are expected to conform to the lifestyle of adults because you understand, maybe firsthand, how hard that is on kids? And are you tired of culture framing adults as victims when we all know that kids are the ones who have to pay the price? If so, we are your people.
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