Children and the Christian revolution

Children and the Christian revolution

(Originally published in World News Group) The early church was born into a world of child victimization. Abortion, infanticide, child castration, selling children, and child sex abuse were common. The practice of infant exposure, casting disabled, illegitimate, or...
Katy Faust for Big Marriage

Katy Faust for Big Marriage

(Originally published in The American Conservative) When Katy Faust spoke at the third National Conservative conference in Florida in 2022, her speech had a simple refrain: “This is a child.” Applying the Vince Lombardi Green Bay Packers story (“Gentlemen, this is a...
Them Before Us – Latvia

Them Before Us – Latvia

Them Before Us is continuing to spark a global movement thanks to the tireless efforts of our overseas followers! Latvian children’s rights advocate Alina Ozolina has written an article about our work on the educational web magazine “Telos,” which is...