Katy Faust joins Richard Lucas from The Scottish Family Party to talk about the Them Before Us book and chat about advocating for children’s rights and what it ACTUALLY means when you put the rights of a child before “what adults want to do”.
A lot of great information for what we can say when faced with questions about surrogacy starting around 27:27. What about a sister helping out a sister?
“Let’s just talk about what surrogacy is: Surrogacy breaks what should be one person, “mother”, into three – in essence – purchasable and optional women. The first woman is the genetic mother, the woman who contributes the egg. The second one is the birth mother, the one who gestates the child. The third one is the social mother, the woman who is in the child’s life every day. If all three of these women is not found in the same person, the child is going to experience loss.”