by Katie Breckenridge | Mar 1, 2024 | #ANDnotOR, #ANDnotORlearn, The Latest
(Originally published in The Federalist) In the name of “equality,” the University of Sussex Hospitals National Health Service (NHS) Trust has stated that pharmacologically induced breast milk produced by men is comparable to milk produced by females. The NHS trust...
by Katy Faust | Mar 1, 2024 | The Latest
(Originally published in Evie Magazine) I arranged my 2, 4, 6, and 8-year-old in my tight minivan and set out for the three-hour trip from Seattle to Portland. Somewhere south of Olympia, my 4-year-old, seated directly behind me, began to vomit. Mom reflexes kicked...
by Katy Faust | Mar 1, 2024 | Surrogacy
(Originally published in The Federalist) Surrogacy is risky for children. Not just the risk of a primal wound via intentional birth mother separation. Not just the risk of identity struggles if their genetic mother is purchased from a catalog. Not just the risk...
by Them Before Us | Nov 11, 2023 | The Latest
2023 has been quite a year for spreading the children’s rights message! We’ve had video and podcast interviews across 38 platforms, including chats with Lila Rose, Allie Beth Stuckey, and Kristan Hawkins. Consider donating to help us reach even more people with our...
by Katy Faust | Oct 21, 2023 | The Latest
(Originally published in World News Group) The early church was born into a world of child victimization. Abortion, infanticide, child castration, selling children, and child sex abuse were common. The practice of infant exposure, casting disabled, illegitimate, or...