Brian C.’s story | “I don’t care why my parents did this. It looks to me like I was bought and sold.”

My name is Brian and I am the son of a traditional surrogate, a biological father, and an adoptive mother. I think all of you here need to know how I feel about surrogacy.  I have read a certain popular surrogacy board since I was 16 and I am almost 18 now. I was going to wait until I was 18 to open my mouth but I just can’t stand reading all of this stuff anymore. It was something in one TS’s post that really set me off. And it was not just her, it’s everybody attitude. “if you go into this feeling that this is “your” baby then you should not be a TS. This baby is NOT yours. It is your egg donation that instead of the IM carrying … you have to carry. Thats it. plain and simple. So it is no different than a GS. You are carrying someone ELSE’s baby, regardless of the genetics. so yes you should get comp to cover your pain and suffering “babysitting in utero” THEIR child.” What about what the kids of traditional surrogacy think? What do we think about what you think? What you think doesn’t even make sense … Continue reading Brian C.’s story | “I don’t care why my parents did this. It looks to me like I was bought and sold.”