(Originally published at The Federalist) Katy Faust is co-author of the new book, “Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement,” and director of the non-profit Them Before Us. She joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to explain why adult desires...
(Originally published at United Families International) The “Poly-Parent Households are Coming,” a recent OpEd from the New York Times tells us. The article’s author, Debora Spar, correctly identifies the underlying causes of the massive shift in our concept of the...
(Originally published at The Federalist) The Massachusetts town of Somerville has become the first in the nation to legalize polyamorous relationships. It’s evidence of the slippery slope social conservatives warned would follow legalizing gay marriage. Polygamy was...
Originally published at The Federalist A few months back, the media celebrated 20-year-old Tory Ojeda, a pregnant woman with four live-in boyfriends. In December, multiple outlets covered the five-some’s open relationship, dismissing opponents with “LOVE DON’T JUDGE.”...
(Originally published at The Federalist) “I just came out openly to friends.” “Love is love” and we deserve “equal protection under the law.” We are “not harming anybody.” “The world would be a better place if everybody was more open.” “I am proud of who I am” but I...